Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Work in progress update (steampunk tiara).

I've been feeling quite ill the last about 48 hours but the storm seemed to break around 5 probably because I had just been handed a large tub of watches. Once home I started to pry them open and found some very nice bits to work with. Tonight is also the last night that I can work on this project until next week and even then, I need to set aside some time for some custom orders.

I had finished the wire-wrapping around the front side and got it framed rather nicely, with the wire bits to help me measure where the mid-point is:

I started building out the "fireworks" as well, the larger ones because I need to get those in place on the base before I can put in all the tubes and rest of the support layer. So the three largest are in place now:

One of the watch parts really stood out and I've got it roughly in place for sizing:

Tune in next week when we get the smaller fireworks in place and the support structure to feed the machine!


Celeste said...

You are totally going to win this one too! I am blown away by this tiara.

Seedlings: Jewelry Because said...

Showing my work has really made me think about next steps and how it will come together, so keeping my fingers crossed!